Mom's Who Rock – Ottawa Event Photographer

Mom's Who Rock – Ottawa Event Photographer

On Wednesday I had the pleasure of attending the Entrepreneurial Mom’s of Ottawa Birthday Bash at the Hard Rock Café Ottawa.  The celebration was called ‘Mom’s Who Rock’ in honour of celebrating all us Mom’s who have the Entrepreneurial Spirit.

And what a fabulous group of Mom’s there was. Not that you have to be a Mom to attend these events, but generally speaking most of our attendees are Mom’s and they have all built businesses that have allowed them a little more work/life balance that they were looking for before starting.

Mom's Who Rock

Mom's Who Rock

The always lovely Lisa McLeod was there to tell us her story of starting out as a Mom. Hearing Lisa speak always gives me encouragement and leaves me either wanting to hear more or go and work with her. Either would be lovely. Viv from EZ Rock was our lovely MC for the evening, always charming and lots of fun.

Mom's Who Rock

The beautiful Julie Larocque came out to provide us with some live music. Gorgeous voice, it was a pleasure. There was a little dancing with Kristal from Rock Your Weddings and Events (sorry no pics of that I was dancing) and a special guest that gave us her wonderful story. And a special thanks to Wendy from Beyond Events for helping us pull this one together.

Mom's Who Rock

Happiest of Birthday’s Entrepreneurial Moms of Ottawa – Janet and Carolyn, it has been a pleasure to work with you this past year.Looking forward to another great year.

For a full album of photos from the event please go to the Entrepreneurial Moms Ottawa Facebook Page

2 Comments On This Topic
  1. Jennifer Gilbert
    14 years ago

    Great pictures!!!

  2. Tweets that mention Mom’s Who Rock – Ottawa Event Photographer « —
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