Another fabulous family at The Barn from last weekend. This is the second in a set of good friends who entrusted me with their family photos. I think I said it in my last post that next to photographing family, close friends is the next hardest thing for me. I have to say that we sure did have a lot of fun with this one. Twin boys who are three and their older brother who is five, can you just imagine hanging out with them on a weekend? Mom and Dad are my true heroes. I know that the younger years are hard with boys this close in age, but I know that in a few years they will have grown up to be fabulous men who will be nothing but helpful to Mom and Dad. In the meantime, get a load of their cuteness.
A huge thank you to the D Family for having me photograph your family, I look forward to another few years down the road so we can see how much the boys have changed.
If you would like to book a session at The Barn, there are still a couple of spots open for the October 14th Mini-Sessions. Once those are filled, and the weather turns cold sessions at The Barn will not be available again until next year, so don’t delay. Contact me today to book your session.
Family sessions not at The Barn are also available, a few dates left in late November and early 2013. Gift Certificates can be purchased for the holidays, perfect gifts for under the tree.