Welcome 2013 – #Blissdom13 Conference – Dallas Texas

Welcome 2013 – #Blissdom13 Conference – Dallas Texas

What an amazing year 2012 was for Anna Epp Photography. I have lots of images to share with you all over the course of the next few weeks. As October became increasingly busy I  was looking forward to a quiet November and as all things seem to go these days November turned out to be just as busy as October so I looked ahead to the end of December and the break that I take with my family to celebrate the holidays. Much needed and well deserved we all took the time to spend it mostly together, relaxing and being thankful for all that 2012 brought us.

As we start off 2013 I can’t help but be excited as there are so many amazing things are in store for the coming year.  The first one that I would like to share with you is that I will not only be attending Blissdom ’13 in Dallas, Texas this year, but I will be appearing as a speaker. I have photographed the last three Blissdom Canada Conferences in Toronto and  attended Blissdom ’12 last year in Nashville, Tennessee as a Communty Leader in Photography.  Blissdom is best described as a Conference about finding your Bliss, but it is so much more. If you are a blogger, photographer, writer this is a conference for you. It is definitely geared more towards women but there are always a few men in attendance.

Join me at BlissDom!

The conference is set up with four Tracks: Business, Life Development, Writing and Photography and within these tracks are sessions to help you grow, rejuvinate and inspire. I spent most of my time last year in the Photography Track as that is my niche and I learned so much from the speakers that I came home fully inspired for the year ahead. A direct quote from the Blissdom site may sum it up better than I could:

“The four BlissDom ’13 tracks, Business, Writing, Life Development, and Photography, touch upon key aspects of our everyday lives, from our work to our leisure.

Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to expand your brand, a writer searching for your authentic voice, a photographer hoping to create beautiful works, or just need to remember how to dream big…our tracks not only have something for everyone, they all have something for YOU.”

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Photos by Danielle Lynn Photography

My Session will be more of a workshop as I will be bringing my Rock Your Camera class to Blissdom’13. This session is for those of you who own a DSLR and don’t actually know how to use it beyond leaving it Automatic. If you love your DSLR on AUTO, you will love it more once you find out how to use ISO, Aperature and Shutter Speed. Whether you own a Nikon a Canon or a Sony, the principles will be the same. I will explain why you would want to be able to change these settings and make sure that you know where to change them in your camera.  If you just got your camera and have barely touched it, bring it with you! Don’t be shy, by the time you leave Dallas you will have filled up a memory card and will be well on your way to taking some fabulous photos.

In addition to my session I will also be hosting the Thursday Photowalk this year. This is for anyone with a camera, whether it is a DSLR, SLR, Point and Shoot or the phone in your camera (#iPhoneography) if you will be at the Gaylord Texan on Thursday during the day you can join us as we capture the gorgeous facility that will be hosting us this year. More details on time and where to meet will be available closer to the conference date.

I look forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting lots of new people in Dallas!

2 Comments On This Topic
  1. Elaine A.
    12 years ago

    Very excited to meet you and possibly do the photo walk on Thursday while at Blissdom. I will be there with camera(s) in hand! 😉 Please let me know more information if you can, once details are set. Thanks!


    • Anna
      12 years ago

      Fabulous Elaine! I look forward to meeting you as well. I will post the details of the Photowalk as soon as I have them. See you in Dallas!