There is nothing sweeter than a brand new baby. At just five days old, I had the pleasure of meeting this wonderful little girl and her gorgeous parents. Baby M was an absolute dream to work with, fell asleep for me very quickly and allowed me to move her without barely an eye opened.
So beautiful and such a great sleeper, I hope she keeps it up for Mom and Dad.
Love the light from this window. It gave us perfect light to shine on Baby M.
Mom and Dad were great and so easy going, it was wonderful to me them and spend time capturing their sweet little girl.
Thank you for welcoming me into your home and allowing me to capture your beautiful girl. I feel so honored to share in this special time with you. Hope you enjoyed your sneak peek, I can’t wait to share the rest of the photos with you.
I love all the photos – my favorite is the beautiful feet. Great idea with the ring – I love the meaning behind that picture – wish I had one like that of my little ones! great job Anna!