I still love photographing events, even after ten years has passed! I have photographed for the UofT Alumni in the past, and it was a pleasure to be asked back again for this amazing presentation. Hosted at the Chateau Laurier in their gorgeous ballroom, professor Randell Hansen spoke to an almost sold out crowd.
On a wintry night in January, one can never be sure in Ottawa if everyone who commits will make it out. It would seem that we are hardier than we may seem as people filled the chairs and listened to Professor Hansen’s presentation. One of the bonus’ of photographing amazing events is not only the people that I get to meet and chat with throughout the event, but the presentations themselves. I always find I learn something interesting and sometimes, like this night, I get to see things in a different light.
Events can be tricky, you want to capture everything possible, without too much interference. You want to be seen but not be seen, you want to get what you need and get out, so the speakers and presenters can concentrate. At the same time, you want to be there for interactions, fun or different moments or anything out of the ordinary. You truly never know what may happen during a presentation so you want to be ready for it.
It was truly an honor to be able to photograph this event, I look forward to working with the University of Toronto again and hopefully on a night when the skies are clear and the temperatures are not at subarctic levels.